Going to the movies is a rare occurrence for me. I would like to go more often, but it becomes a bit of a chore. The lines tend to be long, the popcorn expensive, the theater noisy, and cell phones always ring. The couch and a DVD can be more inviting.

Then there is the whole issue with previews. Everyone becomes a critic during the previews. It is thumbs up or thumbs down. People seem to think that those sitting behind, in front, and next to them are eager to hear their opinion of a film's trailer. As if to suggest that their opinion will establish my movie going plans for the coming month. If the lady with the large popcorn, M:%$amp;M's, and Diet Coke says it is good, it must be so.

Some people appear to enjoy the previews that run for hours before the feature film. It has reached the point where the commercials and previews are almost as long as the film itself. Movie Previews are also called "Coming Attractions." I like that name better. As a matter of fact, the whole concept of coming attractions is appealing to me.

One statement

First, I like the reminder that I attract what is coming. My true thoughts determine that which comes my way. Focus on good things and good things come. We are what we think.

Second, deciding which films appeal to me reminds me to clarify my values, interests, and priorities. Some movies strike me as being a total waste of time, other seem fascinating. To live is to choose.

Third, some people enjoy movies I don't enjoy. This challenges me to respect differences.

Certain messages:

I made this notes in a dark in a movie theater showing....The Good Shepherd.... a good movie

Thumbs Up


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